Spring cleaned kitchen
Some pictures of our kitchen, spring cleaned and clear of clutter:)
Feels good when the new season is knocking on the door...
One room at the time,so you don't get overwhelmed and does not want to continue, is a good advice from someone who easily gets distracted 🤗

A good feeling comes with this new and fresh energy.
Clean, tidy and shiny.
Enjoy, because it will not last:)
But still a wonderful way to start off the weekend.
Happy friday!
H&M Home dreaming...
I've been dreaming and browsing summer inspiration for my home just to give it a change for this new season to come.
And again H&M Home delivers...
Im not the typical swede with a minimalistic taste so finding these bohemian big patterned products combined with natural colors and material put a smile on my face.
I don't know if it's my loyal Swedish heart that glorifies everything from Sweden but in my eyes some of the pictures look like paintings...

There is kind of a shimmer to some of them.
I also love all the plants they have styled the pictures with.
Ano the exotic feeling it passes on.
Works in every country...
Ok, enough of my Nordic pride and off to a more widespread international motherly level putting my daughter to bed:)
Do not disturb...
After two weeks holiday with demanding kids around I'm looking forward to spend some time with myself again:)
Focusing, finishing and moving on from a kind of stagnated point.
This week will be my week!

The end of my studies are almost blinding me with its bright light and future (!) and I'm enjoying every bit of it.
It's weird though how life totally can absorb you and let nothing be done outside that bubble of everyday living.
But now, nothing is going to stop me this week.
I wonder if it's possible to put up a "do not disturb" sign to life???
Cant wait to dig into the "art of arrangements" or emphasizing on focal positive points in the rooms etc...
Just bring next week on!!!
Setting the mood
Today my mind felt old, worn out and disappointed.
So in order for me to create some kind of comfort for my mangled soul I decided to pay some attention to my living room. A room I love to sit in and just be...
As always flowers are such a wonderful energy riser so I ran to the supermarket and bought a few bouquets that I combined into one big majestic centerpiece.

Then I swapped my natural colored pillows to my more colorful and happy ones and decided to set my mood after the feeling I managed to create.
So far I'm not quite there yet...
But I know I will.
Its just a matter of time.
Positive thinking...
Wishing myself and everybody else a wonderful weekend:)
Ikea again...
Sorry to be ranting about Ikea the whole time but I'm a big fan of this Swedish company.
And when they combine design and collaborate with in this case social entrepreneurs in India who creates sustainable livelihood for rural women, I get extra proud.
It does not help that this handcrafted collection is beautiful...

(Pictures Ikea press)
This temporary collection includes hand embroidered cushion covers, boxes, table runners and handwoven baskets, bags, laundry bags and floor cushions in renewable bananafibers.
Run to buy and do good for a better world!
Ikea sommar 2017
Ikea is a master in producing pictures of their products that immediately stimulates my shopping nerve.
Not only do they present nice ideas but the message they manage to pass on through their photos is impressing.
To take the day as it comes, to be more relaxed and to loosen a little on all the demands from life are wonderful advices that we all would benefit from.

( pictures ikea)
Being a swede I just love the way they encourage easy and green living but in style.
A picture tells more than 1000 words...
I can not but agree to that statement.
Now i I want summer!
Jassa collection from IKEA
When I was showing a friend of mine the new collection soon to be launched from ikea and their team
-up with Piet Hein Eek (among a few others), I again felt so proud for the big Swedish company.
It is such a happy collection of rattan furniture, ceramics, lights, fabrics and baskets that it makes my heart dance.

( pictures from IKEA)
The rich patterned fabrics give such color splash it will serve as the sun a grey and rainy day.
This collection will be out for sale in march and I will be the first one entering the doors trying to get hold of some of those furnitures.
Maybe be I will see you there:)
Christmas spirit
Olivia has started to listen to Christmas music in the car and I can not but slowly feel the inspiration start running through my veins:)
Love that lit candles, crackling fire and hot chocolate are soon coming up on the "menu".

(Pictures from H&M home )
Im always looking forward to how the big Swedish companies are interpreting the holiday trends and these pictures from H&M home looks promising...
Simple, versatile and long lasting style.
Me like...
The only thing to add to this dream now is snow...
Although I'm still kind of happy with the falling leaves for now:)
The Chinese lantern...
I have rediscovered the Chinese lanterns!
The plant that has this large red-orange inflated seed pods which resemble a paper lantern.
I remembered them from the 70-ties and have kind of avoided them since then.
Only now I realized how beautiful they are to mix in with greens and how much warmth they bring into a room.
A perfect fall plant!

So so uplifting and extremely easy to care for. No water needed and they last forever.
To bring in nature in this warm color will make your room glow, your soul warm and your eyes smile.
Yup, to start of the new week in the company of a Chinese lantern can not be other than good!
A Long Island treasure
If you are Swedish, living in New York and have a summer house in Amagansett on Long Island then that place can look like this:

(Pictures Anders Ahlgren via Emilie Törling)
I do think people could have it worse...
Simple and easy living the Swedish way:)
With a view.
To me they have managed to create a wonderful scandinavian summer treat with international influences.
And I'm not jealous at all...
Speaking of grey...
Speaking of grey...
We also have a few grey rooms but not as dark as the Swedish stylist queen painted her apartment.
The grey color is a color of compromise.
Its a nice alternative to use as a base instead of white, if using a lighter grey though, since it works well with other colors and also softens the contrast.

Despite the iPhone pictures maybe you can still see the elegant and subtle chic, but still comfortable feeling the grey passes on.
it is a quiet and calm color that is lacking in energy so I make up for that by using a lot of other colors and I love to mix in green plants and that whole combination marries nicely together.
In Feng Shui it has the focused, protective, self-restraint and independent symbolic perfect for gaining focus and a more curated sensibility in life.
Yes, more grey to the people!!!
Grey, grey and grey
I thought I should show one of the most viewed home in Sweden at the moment.
Its the home of Sweden's interior stylist queen Lotta Agaton.
She moved from a white and bright apartment into a grey and dark new style.

'Look at this chair!
Not the most ergonomic design in my eyes...

(Picture Pia Ulin for Lotta Agaton)
Even the ceiling is painted dark which gives the rooms a cave feeling.
We are for sure going into a more yin filled season with its dark, calm and embracing atmosphere but I do think it should still be a balance...
The scandinavians are known for its simple and light style but maybe it's time for a change.
The owner of this home is a powerful lady so I guess she might have given birth to a new trend.
We shall see...
Sweden likes its uniform:)
Shades of grey
Instead of milkbrain I seem to suffer from puppybrain which actually also causes some sort of shortcut function wise:)
So suddenly I decided our tv room needed a little makeover...
(Because I don't have anything else to do or think of)
But, it's too much energy in that room and with colder times ahead I wanted to create a more embracing feeling.

'You can see here hints of the warm grey on the walls that replaced the white.
It still gives the room a light impression but at the same time it kind of narrows it down and passes on a more cozy atmosphere.
'At least that is the intention:)
We shall see!
Meanwhile I'm keeping an eye on my blonde American babyboy to make sure he does not jump into one of those paint jars:)
Ikea's Christmas inspiration...
Cold, rainy and windy!
Just the perfect autumn day today!
Felt like browsing Christmas ideas on internet and came across Ikea's holiday inspiration.
And just like previous time my heart takes a little extra beat knowing its Swedish...

(Pictures Ikea)
Discret design, soft, attenuated hues and material close to nature.
Pictures that reminds me of my Swedish summerhouse and that makes me look forward to cozy tv-nights under a blanket in the sofa, holidays and even snow.
But first fall and all the beauty that comes with that season!
Our summerhouse before and after.
I was going through my photos from our summer in Sweden and thought it might be fun to show you some before and after pictures from the house there.
They started to rip out everything in March 2013 nd around six month later it was at least possible to sleep there.
Then it took another six month before it was considered done.

its kind of weird because I have been taking so many pictures of the house and yet I could not find the ones I wanted...
So we changed the color ( it had to be yellow though according to the "rules") to a lighter snd more silent tone.
We changed the metal garage door for a proper veranda door in glas and played around a little with the windows.
On the balcony we added a railing just because...

It was also difficult to find picture from the exact right angle but I think it's good enough.
Its kind of easy to see that there is a slight difference between now and then...

We opened up another window where the old sink was, to get in more light.

We removed walls, closed doors and moved one of the fireplace in to the dining area from the room behind the kitchen.
We put in wooden plank floor instead of that plastic "nightmare".

It was a project that took place while living abroad so many decisions might not have been thought through properly but I think all in all we managed to create a house that fills our hearts with feel-good vibes and a sense of pure happiness.
I feel so grateful and so spoiled!
To clear my clutter
With the idea of fall in combination with bad conscious a desire to clean the clutter was born.
My goal is to do room by room but in order for it to be manageable I will only do small changes at the time.
So my walk-in closet became my first target...

I worked with three "keys" in mind.
Things I have not used in years.
Things that don't fit any longer.
Things that are broken, washed out or just look unfresh.
I managed to get five big piles...

My daughter was worried I would give away things she could fit in or wanted so she had to check everything out first and give me her opinion of what I should keep or not:)
The only thing I have to do now is to find matching storage bins, a nice chandelier and curtains to give the room a feeling of luxury.
To clear the clutter meant I created a chance for new fresh energy to enter that room and as an extra plus I now have room for more shopping:)
Golden moments
Instead of being at a wedding in Spain I've been home dealing with life.
It's amazing how much that actually fits into that word...
Luckily I also had "golden" moments:)
Two beautiful pieces of , in my eyes, art moved in to my house and created an instant shallow feeling of happiness.

The vase which I just had to buy once again.
I accidently broke the other one in million pieces long time ago but never found a similar vase again that could create magic with whatever that was put inside it, so I'm really glad with my decision to get a new one.
And then the candleholder...
Despite the leaning candle (!) I also think of it as a beautiful sculpture.
When the candle is lit that sphere of golden brass becomes like a halo and almost creates a spiritual aura in the room.
Me like!
So not being able to cheer for the newly married I cheered myself up with sunshine, flowers and other kinds of "golden" moments…
Sometimes that has to be good enough.
Cool and loved
Friday again!
I love this day!
The ending of the weekdays and beginning of the weekend.

Flowers in blue and pink are placed all over to help set the mood.
Blue is cooling us down and creates calmness and in this hot weather it is definitely calling for some attentention. The pink I use where I want to feel loved, nurtured and cherished. So in the living room I very often use the pink since I sit there a lot.
Also in the entrance I use pink so people entering the door feel loved and welcomed.
What at a wonderful way to start the weekend, feeling both cool and loved.
Yup, an easy feel good tips that creates good energy for the weekend:)
Pool plans...
Our house is expecting...
A pool!
After a long process back and forth I think the kids can consider themselves winners in this discussion but I also think the house itself feels grateful.
It has kind of been missing that pool thing in order for it to be complete:)

The garden is ready to welcome this new addition only with a few changes.
Bushes will be separated and opened up for soft curved steps, the stairs in the very back of the garden suddenly seemed to get a purpose and the green lawn is ready to share a piece of its area.
The summer is so much longer here, Sweden only attractive for a shorter amount of time for some in the family and workrelated reasons for the kids to spend time in the US during the summer are getting more prominent.
So a pool would actually not be of waste...
'At least that is how we reason :)
For now my mind is busy with my oldest son leaving the nest though but I guess the pool plan will be a welcoming distraction for a mom dealing with separation pain.
Yup! A pool it is!
New in my kitchen
A few goodies have moved in to my kitchen.
A few things that I instantly fell in love with.
A few things that puts a silver lining to my everyday routine in the kitchen.

A wooden cuttingboard with a golden decoration ( remember my magpie gene)
A new pitcher for the water that will replace the ugly plastic one and which will make plain water look like it comes straight from the spring.
And finally new big teacups ( also with a golden edge) that definitely will enhance my whole experience of drinking tea. They are actually perfect for hot chocolate with whipped creme too...
Small things that make me feel childishly happy!
Yup, that's me! Shallow as a shower:)