To clear my clutter
With the idea of fall in combination with bad conscious a desire to clean the clutter was born.
My goal is to do room by room but in order for it to be manageable I will only do small changes at the time.
So my walk-in closet became my first target...

I worked with three "keys" in mind.
Things I have not used in years.
Things that don't fit any longer.
Things that are broken, washed out or just look unfresh.
I managed to get five big piles...

My daughter was worried I would give away things she could fit in or wanted so she had to check everything out first and give me her opinion of what I should keep or not:)
The only thing I have to do now is to find matching storage bins, a nice chandelier and curtains to give the room a feeling of luxury.
To clear the clutter meant I created a chance for new fresh energy to enter that room and as an extra plus I now have room for more shopping:)

Säger bara Ååh! Det kommet bli så fint med den sista lyxtouchen. Skönt att få rensa ut men det är svårt att göra sig av med. Oftast är det ju inget man kommet att sakna.Men när vi var på 80-tals fest fick jag låna en klänning av en kompis som hade kvar en från 86. Inköpt på Gulins! ( haha minns du den😄). Skönt med stöd och smakråd i rensningen. Här behövs det en storrensning också Kramizar
Maria Lacik