Our summerhouse before and after.
I was going through my photos from our summer in Sweden and thought it might be fun to show you some before and after pictures from the house there.
They started to rip out everything in March 2013 nd around six month later it was at least possible to sleep there.
Then it took another six month before it was considered done.

its kind of weird because I have been taking so many pictures of the house and yet I could not find the ones I wanted...
So we changed the color ( it had to be yellow though according to the "rules") to a lighter snd more silent tone.
We changed the metal garage door for a proper veranda door in glas and played around a little with the windows.
On the balcony we added a railing just because...

It was also difficult to find picture from the exact right angle but I think it's good enough.
Its kind of easy to see that there is a slight difference between now and then...

We opened up another window where the old sink was, to get in more light.

We removed walls, closed doors and moved one of the fireplace in to the dining area from the room behind the kitchen.
We put in wooden plank floor instead of that plastic "nightmare".

It was a project that took place while living abroad so many decisions might not have been thought through properly but I think all in all we managed to create a house that fills our hearts with feel-good vibes and a sense of pure happiness.
I feel so grateful and so spoiled!

Vilken otrolig skillnad!
Ni har gjort ett fantastiskt jobb med huset. Verkligen ett drömhus.
Maria Lacik
Så roligt att se på detta sätt. Tänk så fort man glömmer hur det sett ut bara för några år sedan.Vilken härlig känsla det måste vara att se att ni lyckats så bra. Så inbjudande!!
Maria Lacik