Feng shui in the bathroom
So now the turn has come to the bathroom!
A room dedicated to cleaning and purifying your body.
It needs to be practical yet inviting and serve the right atmosphere both for a quick morningshower and a long relaxing bath in the evening.

(Picture from Sköna hem)
Here are some easy tips for your bathroom :
- Bathroom door and toilet seat should always be closed. If the toilet lid is open it means that the whole house is in direct contact with the sewer...
- nice and warm temperature
- good ventilation
- clear the clutter even in the bathroom ( and in the bathroomcabinet)

- green plants with friendly leaves. No cactuses!

( picture from Sköna hem Daniella Witte)
A bathroom should satisfy all senses!
- soft rugs on the floor
- thick and soft towels
- bath products with natural ingredients

( picture from Sköna hem)
- Fredh flowers, scented candles and creamy soaps are also some of the neccessary good-to-have-to-spoil-yourself ingredients in a successful bathroom experience:)

A fireplace is not a must but ...:)
With this small yet important advices your bathroom will nourish your body, mind and spirit from the morning routine till the late procedure you might have just before going to bed!

To gather beautiful containers with different contents on a wooden tray is an easy way to bring in the elements of nature in a bathroom! ( even a razor and a nail file look like they belong in the community...or not)
School party
So Olivia's sleepoverparty was more or less just a preparty for the big festives at school On the saturday!

What gives more festive mood than ballons?
To me it immediately sets the tone that it is something special happening.

Bella had been talking about all the bouncing castles that were promised to be set up...

I mean they really talk the language of a child with all these vibrant and bright colours...

I would have loved to jump around on them but I did not see any person over 15 years of age so I guess my kids would have found it rather awkward if I decided to go for it:)
And guess what?!
Bella did not want to go on them either!
After days of mentally preparing she just decided not to...

Instead we went for a facepaint!
And look how fun she seems to have...

Ironically she got an angel painted on her face... Hmmmm
Meanwhile her sister and company took place on the stage for a karaoke show.

All the girls from the sleepover party just gave everything on stage performing with all that energy and engagement that comes from the feeling of being safe together:)
And it was really really good!
A talented gang.

That really inspired my angel face and her friend!

Next up on stage!
Performing "let it go" acappella with a little support from the background choir...
My heart was overflowing with love and pride of my brave daughters and when the audience started to clap to accompany their singing I was able to squeeze out a little tear!

And so the day continued in the show spirit...

Just to end in the name of love!!!
What better way to end a Saturday than a hug from a friend!
Girls sleepover
Swosch it said and the weekend is over!
It has been full speed with a sleepover party for Olivia amongst other activities.

Eight tweens including Olivia moved in for the night in our basement.
And immediately the music flowed through the speakers and a constant giggling and loud laughs penetrated through the walls and up the stairs spreading a nice friday feeling in our home.
It is something special and almost magical with a bunch of girls spending the night together.
i can not remember that i ever had a group sleepover ( except when i was old enough to party and everybody was too drunk to go home and just fell asleep wherever there was a spot big enogh for a body...) and i do not think that counts...
So i feel very excited and love to listen to the happy voices from downstairs.
All subjects are carefully coverd from anti pimpel treatments to music videos mixed with a lot of dancing and singing.

A quick brake for some swedish meatballs and spaghetti and then back to the basement again.

That sense of community is a wonderful gift and i feel so happy that my daughter is part of the beautiful in having a lot of friends.

Love en masse!
Note the friendship lenght of their hair...
Well as a mom you need to check on them now and then but they never gave me the feeling that i was annoying or awkward or even emberrasing...

Can you find something wrong with this picture?
This is how well behaving the girls were, making sure no one was left out :)
And 11 pm the music got silence and the girls were cuddling up all together in the big bed for some sharing of secrets and then spread out on couches, beanbags and matrasses when they got surprised by the sleep.
An hour of pancake making in the morning set off for a good start of the saturday and a perfect ending of a sleepover.
To strike a relaxing pose!
Its Friday!
The sun is shining and birds are singing!
Came across this article from a Swedish magazine and started to laugh...
I hate being on a picture because I look ridiculous so I'm always trying to make fun of myself and being silly and that after I tried to look relaxed...

Just standing here getting some fresh air:)

Or this is how I always stand...

Just looking at the view in peace.

Not aware of the camera at all...

Very aware of the camera !

Not doing anything, just waiting...

Im not really sure how to pose...

I kind of have found my nisch...

Maybe we were too relaxed:)
( all the pictures from Amelia)
I thought this was so funny and made me giggling long after I read it.
So my Friday started off very well and hopefully that will set the tone for the weekend:)
Hippie happy Friday!
Feeling happy!

This fun painting was delivered to our house the other day!
its huge, colourful and it's Marilyn ...
Made by Brian Olsen who is using his fingertips, palms, elbows and a bunch of brushes in each hand...
Feeling so happy every time I pass this colourful display of paint and energy.
Feeling so happy that my dear husband knows my passion for Marilyn...
Feeling happy he went to this art show...
Yes! I'm feeling happy!
The law of attraction
Must tell you about the book I'm reading at the moment!
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne! (I know I'm late with that one but still...)

This book really matches my own philosophy about positive thinking although in a more extreme form.
It's based on the "law of attraction" and claims that positive thinking can create life-changing result such as increased health, wealth and happiness. To me very important ingredients in the cake of life...

The law of attraction is a natural law which is governing the universe and is said to work by attracting into a person's life the people, events, situations and experiences that "match the frequency" of the person's thoughts and feelings.
Positive thoughts will attract back positive events and circumstances that will create more positive feelings and the same goes also then for negative thoughts...
It kind of works like a mirror:
A smiley face reflects back as smiley :)

I have not finished the book yet but I'm as convinced as mr Graham Bell that the power of the thoughts is big and it all comes from within you ...

So why don't we start with a small and humble promise to ourselves:

( pictures from the secret.tv)
Personally I will also intergrate thoughts of me as slim, beautiful, smart, funny, healthy, good cooking and absolutely fantastic wife, mom and friend...
It is worth a try:)
Need to finish the book now!
A weekend full of love
A little update from Miami on our last day down here!
Love:has been the theme...

The blue sky above us...

The colour of the pool underneath...

Our friends around us...

Easter on the table...

Good food...

Amazing chandelier...

And my beautiful friend!

The alert one can see the photographer in this picture too:)
No beach ( too windy, too late, too many kids...)
No shopping ( too tired, too closed, too good time around the pool)
But sunshine, conversations, laughs, connectedness, making plans, sharing dreams...
What more can you ask for?!?!
Love love love
Time for some glamour again!
Good morning sunshine!
Feeling so very exited today!
Going to this place for the weekend:

Replacing the cold for the warm,
the concrete for sand
the boots for sandals
the jeans for a skirt.
And let me see...
What else is there in Miami?

Beautiful people to hang out with!
Actually the main reason for going...
And maybe some retail research :

Its strange but warm weather really triggers my shopping need so my dear hubby is probably happy that we don't live in a all -year- summer place :)
And maybe it would be nice to dip my newly pedicured toes in the sea at this beach:

And if not...
Thats fine too!
The most important is to see our friends, enjoy each other's company, watch the kids having a blast, indulge good food, exchange thoughts and dreams and just having a good time!!!
Got to go packing!!!
Portrait gallery
Not only is my little one able to bike but also make colourful portraits of fabricated friends!
She just turned five but has been working with colours for very long.
First on her legs, arms and hands.
Then on walls, tables and chairs!
But lately it seems that her skills finally have reached the drawing paper...

Today we woke up with snow on the ground and ice on the windshield. It was sunny though but this painting keeps the sun indoors...
And her mom's heart warm :)

All portraits have different hairstyles...

Different eyes...

Some with makeup on...

And some with too much make up on...
But all of them are showing a smiley face!
I really hope that reflects my daughters way of looking at life.

At least she believes in a world full of colours!!!
Love love love!
Mirror mirror...
Good moooooorning!
I don't need much to feel happy!
it could be just to have a tea in a beautiful cup, that the sun is out or a colourful flower but today it is my new mirror that is the reason for my happiness! ( oh I'm so very superficial)

It is not that it reflects me that makes me happy :) but the round, soft shape of it and the leather strap that embraces the shape and the way it hang there safe and secure.

We have this small space just inside our front door that is kind of hard to furnish but would have been wrong not to so a small table , a simple coat rack and this beautiful mirror made the job!

I find even the suspension device beautiful, like a piece of art...

And thinking of how many smiles if will reflect from people passing through the front door definately gives me happy feelings!!!!
Total happiness!
My youngest princess figured out how to bike without the supporting wheels!

That definitely made her weekend!

She says now she really is a big girl...

And she is biking so fast the pictures get blurry...:)

But practice is good...

Hmmm I wonder how I can make the bike go even faster...?

Japp here we go , whatever it was it worked , fast as a lightning...

I can even stand up biking!

We go round and round...

Wil never give up...

Did you get this in your camera mom?
So proud of her and she is so proud of herself.
If she could choose she would have slept with the helmet on and her bike at the side of her bed so she could lay her hand now and then on it just to feel the magic :))
That's total happiness!!!
Confused spring thoughts !

This tree is the only sign of flower in my whole garden!
But definitely good enough!
It stands there in majesty and with such pride and confidence knowing it soon will be a beauty.

But I kind of still want to know if it is painful when the buds flaws?
If it is like giving birth every year...
I do have some experience in that so I know:)
And it is worth the pain...
Every spring I feel so much thankfulness and I'm filled of hopes of what I know spring will bring but at the same time also stressed of what the new light will reveal...
How come I always want to be a new me every year at this time?!
Rebirth in a slim, better looking, positive, full of energy and new ideas, and glowing kind of body...

Looking at all the demands that came with the rebirth I think i prefer to admire the spring from a distance.
Just accepting me as I am ( maybe a pair of new sandals would not hurt though... Or a new haircut or...)

And a tree is just a tree... Although beautiful!
Happy springy Friday!
Feng shui tips for your kitchen!
Good morning sunshine!
Im continuing my journey around the house from a feng shui view so now it's time for the kitchen.
The kitchen is the feng shui part of the house that nourish and sustains life so it should really inspire to cook and bring out the appetite.

( picture from Pinterest)
An easy way to create an inspiring kitchen could be to put fresh herbs in a pot, a bowl of fruits or a tray with oil and vinegar and maybe a nice jar.
A pot with an olive tree or an orange tree is also a good idea...

( can't remember where I got this picture from)
Love love the colour mix! Makes me think of warmer places and healthy food:)
Round forms in the kitchen like a round dining table will establish a friendly connection with less conflicts.
( will try that idea too, could need some sparkle free time during dinner sometimes :))

(Photo sköna hem)
Here the zebraprinted rugs stands for the wild instead...
To clear the clutter is very important in the kitchen.
Get rid of things you don't need, hidden storage and good order is important for the chef.

( picture unknown)
Knives should be in a knife block and to avoid stress we should not hang
a clock on the wall.
A good feng shui shut kitchen leads to a good spirited chef which in turn leads to good energy meals and a HAPPY family!
So don't forget to show appreciation to the chef! ( i know I know I am in the land of fast food but even McDonald's deserve a thank you now and then)
Happy appetite!
H&M in my heart!
With a background in this Swedish retailer company my heart takes an extra jump when they now are about to launch their third environmental friendly collection.
But what a collection!
Its beautiful, fun and very fashionable and all the fabrics are organic and/ or recycled.
Some of the pieces are a little bit more pricy from a H&M standard but is it not worth being easy to Mother Nature?!
Here we go! Picture galore!

Okej okej some of the clothes are not for everyone unless maybe you are like Madonna and need a matador bolero jacket but it is still stunning!

This romantic dress has that dirty pink colour that just kickstart my want-to-have thoughts ...

And this dress is definitely an alternative for a wedding...

Here it comes again! The colour...

This dress would suit on a red carpet event!
Ok need to go and pick up kids but again I'm so very proud of H&M and their wanting to make fashion that do good for the planet, the people and the wallet. That's their promise!!!
So hurry To do good for yourself and for the environment!!!
Salmon love
I loooooooove salmon!
Smoked salmon, gravad salmon, poached salmon and oven baked salmon.
Unfortunately my family has got a little bit tired of my salmon passion so I tend to eat it more when I'm on my own or at a restaurant.
But this recipe I got from a beautiful friend ( thanks Kim I owe you) many years ago and it is still going strong:

You will need:
i box of cherry tomatoes
I bag of green beans
I chunk of Greek feta cheese
a big piece of salmon fillet ( no need to remove the skin)
olive oil
salt and whitepepper
Heat up the oven to about 400 degree F or 200 degree Celsius.
Cut the tomatoes in halves and drizzle some oil and mix in with 1-2 pressed garlic cloves.

Boil the beans and cut them also into smaller bits and follow the oil and garlic procedure as with the tomatoes!

Season the salmon with salt and a little pepper and place in the middle of a big roasting pan.
Put the tomatoes on one side of the salmon and the beans on the other side and then sprinkle with crumbled feta cheese.

Put in the middle of the oven for about 25-30 min depending on how big of a fish you have got.
And voila!
A beautiful and healthy dish!
I serve it with fresh pasta or gnocchis for the kids but it is definitely enough without too.

Yummy yummy for my tummy!
Unfortunately I was too hungry so I forgot to take a picture after the baking:(
40 years of ABBA!
This passed weekend it was exactly 40 years ago since Abba won the Eurovision Song Contest with Waterloo!
40 years!
I remember I became a member of their fan club, after their victory, in which they would send me stickers, posters and random information.
I also cut out every single photo i could find of them and collected all in a map where I later spent time dreaming of them being my parents... ! Not that I did not like what I had but this was on another level.
First I was more into Agnetha but later Frida was my object of worship. Probably also because she was dark and easier for me to pretend I was her in shows at school or with friends. Oh my oh my...

After their Waterloo victory in Brighton UK.

"Ring ring" was their contribution the previous year but was condemned by an expert jury...

This is a picture of their kitchen from the apartment Björn and Agnetha first moved in to together...

And this is from Benny's and Frida's living room ... So time typical!

In the basement of Frida and Benny many songs were written:)

A lovenote was engraved in a tree outside Stockholm and apparently a lot of fans has been trying to find that tree...

This promotion picture from the album The greatest hits was also seen as a sign of what was going on in Agnethas and Björn's realationship.

Their last tv appearance was made 1982 in London.

40 years later they are still more or less active in the music busines.
( all pictures fr.o.m. DN and Abba - the photo book!
And no i do not dream of them as my parents anymore :)
But I have ever never again found a popgroup or artist worth so much dreams.
And that is 40 years ago so I'm very very faithful!
Abba forever!
Happy smiley Friday!
i found this poster hanging on a wall at middle school!
The message went straight into my heart since this is my philosophy too!

So wonderful and so true!
What better start can this Friday get than both sending out and receive a smile!
Try it!
Happy Friday and keep smiling!
Feng shui tips for your bedroom
Your bedroom is one of the most important room in the house and should definately not be neglected!
This room should be decorated for the purpose of resting, spritual nourishment and passion.

picture Sköna hem
Always try to put the bed in powerposition which means with a wall behind you and an unobstructed view over door and window.
If that is not possible and the bed is in front of a window , work with headboards and a lot of pillows to create protection from cold drafts and rushing energies.

Picture from Afswedala
Use mild and calming colours that are close to our nature like beige, blue, green and grey and avoid red, orange and yellow that will make it difficult to relax.
The same goes for bedding! Use natural material that is soft, comforting and inviting!

Photo Daniela witte
A headboard is good for strengthening the relationship between you and your husband but also works as a support if you are bed reader:)

Picture from Sköna hem
The bed should look even: two bedside tables, two lamps ( in this case the lamps are fixed to the wall ) and so on... There is still a balance on the tables since they have matched the colour of the lamp with the flowers.
Avoid mirrors, TV and computers in the bedroom!
Clear the clutter, remove everything that does not belong in a bedroom. It should be airy around and under your bed.
The first thing you see from the bed waking up in the morning sets the tone of the day!!!!
So this is a basic but good start of creating a bedroom that will make you wish for the night to come quicker:)
A walk along the river!
Yesterday was such a beautiful day and I could not just but catch the day!
Ended up walking along Hudson River admiring the sunshine and the skyline at the opposite side.

A good view of the Tower of Freedom buildt where the twin tower used to be!

The Empire State Building!
Is it nor amazing how a bunch of buildings can become a such a piece of artt from the distance!?

A pier suddenly becomes appealing...

They have made it so nice along the river with a proper buildt sidewalk where runners, walkers, strollers and dogs
get on well together.

And the whole time you are accompanied by the beauty of NY skyline.

And if you want to rest and just enjoy there are plenty of opportunities:)

This is an example of how two people can look while enjoying their outing along the river!
Pretty satisfied i would say!

Not only the view from a distance is nice.
If we take a look close around us we will find other kinds of beauty...

And some history on top of that and you have a day full of impressions, full of sunshine and full of spring feelings!
i do love my world!!!
Outdoor furniture
My terrace is completely drenched in sunshine today and with that comes the need of being able to sit outside to eat.
So a simple "click" and this dining furniture will soon be standing like an exclamation mark offering comfortable seating whenever the need is there:

I call it modern meets glamour!

Table is big enough for a family of six to squeeze in and a few extras...

Some natural air conditioning from the chairs are of course included:)

Two thrones at the ends of the tables...

The only thing not included in this purchase is the view:(
So pictures are not from my terrace ... But from restauration hardware.
So bring on the nice weather! We are ready!!!