Swosch it said and the weekend is over!
It has been full speed with a sleepover party for Olivia amongst other activities.
Eight tweens including Olivia moved in for the night in our basement.
And immediately the music flowed through the speakers and a constant giggling and loud laughs penetrated through the walls and up the stairs spreading a nice friday feeling in our home.
It is something special and almost magical with a bunch of girls spending the night together.
i can not remember that i ever had a group sleepover ( except when i was old enough to party and everybody was too drunk to go home and just fell asleep wherever there was a spot big enogh for a body...) and i do not think that counts...
So i feel very excited and love to listen to the happy voices from downstairs.
All subjects are carefully coverd from anti pimpel treatments to music videos mixed with a lot of dancing and singing.
A quick brake for some swedish meatballs and spaghetti and then back to the basement again.
That sense of community is a wonderful gift and i feel so happy that my daughter is part of the beautiful in having a lot of friends.
Love en masse!
Note the friendship lenght of their hair...
Well as a mom you need to check on them now and then but they never gave me the feeling that i was annoying or awkward or even emberrasing...
Can you find something wrong with this picture?
This is how well behaving the girls were, making sure no one was left out :)
And 11 pm the music got silence and the girls were cuddling up all together in the big bed for some sharing of secrets and then spread out on couches, beanbags and matrasses when they got surprised by the sleep.
An hour of pancake making in the morning set off for a good start of the saturday and a perfect ending of a sleepover.