The law of attraction
Must tell you about the book I'm reading at the moment!
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne! (I know I'm late with that one but still...)

This book really matches my own philosophy about positive thinking although in a more extreme form.
It's based on the "law of attraction" and claims that positive thinking can create life-changing result such as increased health, wealth and happiness. To me very important ingredients in the cake of life...

The law of attraction is a natural law which is governing the universe and is said to work by attracting into a person's life the people, events, situations and experiences that "match the frequency" of the person's thoughts and feelings.
Positive thoughts will attract back positive events and circumstances that will create more positive feelings and the same goes also then for negative thoughts...
It kind of works like a mirror:
A smiley face reflects back as smiley :)

I have not finished the book yet but I'm as convinced as mr Graham Bell that the power of the thoughts is big and it all comes from within you ...

So why don't we start with a small and humble promise to ourselves:

( pictures from the
Personally I will also intergrate thoughts of me as slim, beautiful, smart, funny, healthy, good cooking and absolutely fantastic wife, mom and friend...
It is worth a try:)
Need to finish the book now!
