Total happiness!
My youngest princess figured out how to bike without the supporting wheels!
That definitely made her weekend!
She says now she really is a big girl...
And she is biking so fast the pictures get blurry...:)
But practice is good...
Hmmm I wonder how I can make the bike go even faster...?
Japp here we go , whatever it was it worked , fast as a lightning...
I can even stand up biking!
We go round and round...
Wil never give up...
Did you get this in your camera mom?
So proud of her and she is so proud of herself.
If she could choose she would have slept with the helmet on and her bike at the side of her bed so she could lay her hand now and then on it just to feel the magic :))
That's total happiness!!!
Äkta lycka! Vilken känsla när man kan cykla på riktigt! Du får läsa Lotta-boken av den kära Astrid för Bella, tror dom är lite lika de där tjejerna😉 Kramisar från Oss till Er
Maria Lacik
Så duktig du är Bella.Blev riktigt yr i huvudet när
jag följde med på ditt första cykeläventyr
Maria Lacik