My kitchen being immortalised
A while ago I had a very distinguished visitor!
The swedish photographer Paul Brissman, active here at this side of the world, decided to take a look at our kitchen through his camera lens.
But unfortunately it is nothing to be too excited about though because he had a specific reason to be there...
It was only our architect Simon Stigsby who wanted to get some professional photos of my kitchen for his website:)

It was very interesting though to see the kitchen from his view and his camera lens.
There are so many different angles to look at the room from and I almost looked at my new kitchen with new eyes.
What also was funny was the amount of time he needed to take one photo.
It had to be the right light, the right angle and the right motif.
Considering all that time spent in my kitchen ( almost three hours for two pictures) one can wonder if he had difficulties finding those ingredients in my room:)

Every photo was carefully looked at on the computer and then edited to finally become the final product.
I so enjoyed watching him crawling on the floor, clinging on to the walls or in a corner.
Everything to get the perfect shot!
Like a true artist ,using my kitchen as a canvas, his camera as the brush and the actual photo the final piece of art.
Me like!!!
And somehow our kitchen looked as nice through his lens as it does through my eyes:)
