A morning walk in Central Park!
I forgot to show you picture from our beautiful walk in the park the morning before one of our guided art tours.
A perfect start to a wonderful anniversary day!
As I said before: i will ever never get tired of that skyline.
And Central Park itself it such an oasis in that concrete jungle.
Like a jewel it just lays there in the middle of the city and attracts everyone and all kinds.

Green, lush and welcoming it just invites you to stroll, jog, bike or rollerblade or even only to sit in the grass enjoying your day.
No pressure what so ever just an encouraging feeling of freedom to do whatever suits you in that moment in that park.

A picture from our room taken just when it was getting dark and the city dressed up in jewels and gold.
Wrapped in a friendly veil that just gave a little hint of what to find underneath...

And this was the view in the morning that made us take the decision to take advantage of that green lung.
Oh I love New York!
And my husband!
In that order...😜

vilken givande bröllopsdagshelg ni haft! Oj så vackert det är i NY med parker usikter museer och förmodligen underbart god mat. Det är bara att njuta av livet när man kan
Maria Lacik