A melancholic walk
Publicerat 2014-08-15 10:37:23 i
During one of my walks along the beach the other day it suddenly hit my like someone punched me in my tummy.
Summer here is almost over!
Only a few days left and then back to school, routines and everyday life.
Almost eight weeks of just being...
The whole place seems to be preparing for the next season.
Even the beach was "shining" of people's absence and leftovers from warmer and sunnier days.
Fall is really coming closer here at this side of the world but I'm still not sure I'm ready for it yet.
Luckily I have a little more time back in the US before fall is approaching:)
Everything here seems to take on a more dull tone...
But of course there are still small "suns" out there brightening up me and everyone else's mind:)
I'm a very flexible person who likes changes but I also always need some time to get use to an idea.
To prepare and get into a mood which I will benefit most from...
To kind of tie that bag i have filled up with beautiful memories and experiences.
A bag I later in the year can dig into when it's cold, grey and dull and find my goodies that will make my heart smile.
For now I allow myself to feel melancholic.
To enjoy every moment like it would be the last...
To make every moment big moments.
Feeling safe in knowing this place will be the same next year too.
The waves will still be rolling in like it has been doing since history started.
Now that I'm thinking of it I'm ready to rock the fall!!!
With a smile:))
Tack för dina fina ord! Älskar oxå hösten men tycker att den verkar komma lite väl tidigt i år... Men fram med levande ljus o stora koppar te så blir det också bra:)). Kramen
Maria Lacik
Vet precis vad du pratar om! Längtar redan innan jag har åkt till nästa gång. Är så väldigt tacksam att vi kan "frossa" i varandra så många veckor på sommaren. Älskar älskar älskar!
Maria Lacik