I left my summerhouse project only to continue with a new project in our house here in the US.
A new kitchen is coming up ( they told us Christmas) !
A kitchen big enough for a big family.
A kitchen practical enough to cook in.
A kitchen beautifully designed to embrace family and friends spending time in there.

For now it's only demolition on the schedule though...

It's hard to believe that this "ruin" is going to be a house wife's dream:)

Lucklily they only closed of half the current kitchen and kept the stove and fridge going so we can still cook...

And why not redo the living room too while we are anyway on the go...?

Then suddenly we get the famous "ketchup" effect!

Olivia"s bathroom for example...
So for now we live in a plastic covered chaos.
We don't mind.
Its our dreams wrapped in that plastics.
Dreams and wishes...
And hopefully it will come true at Christmas time.
If we have been good....
