My little hippie fairy
When jetlagged and tired not doing anything but sitting in a chair looking at life a little bit dull a little fairy danced by...

In a too big dress, too bright pink lipgloss and barefoot she danced right into my heart!

I thought she was bringing her wand but I was wrong.
She brought her conductor baton! (Hmmm not sure about that word...)
She had created a song she wanted to perform...

So with a mild and soft voice she sang this song for me while conducting ( more like fencing) her performance.
Oh my...
I thought I was going to melt!
All this love running through the veins in my body started to boil...

Surrounded by piles of garden furniture ( we are living in a work sight now), sheltered by the trees in her white dress she really looked like a little elf in troll feet:)

And she definately made me feel enchanted...

Wether it was her conductors baton, her song or her dance but my dull view of the world just disappeared.
As if by magic...
My little hippie fairy!
You made my day!!!

Bella-effekten 😉 så sör!
Maria Lacik
Foten på bild fyra. Den är helt makalös. Jag förstår att kompositionen blev lyckad med den böjningen.
Pusspuss mamma
Maria Lacik