Bring on the Friday!
What a great Friday!
Sunshine and a crispy cold made a good start even though the plumbers spent the entire day here still. I went naughty though and sneaked out with the intention of starting a new life. Again !!!
A power walk was what I had in mind but I always end up only walking. With no power....
i so easily get distracted and this time I passed the museum park and it's great sculptures.
It was this serie of shiny sculptures that caught my attention...
Made from stainless steel silverware.
A close up on the tree...
Same same but different!
Recykling in art form!
The rest of the sculptures were of slightly different carachteres...
Some video installations... A breathing one
... And a liquid one
And even Mother Earth was present.
Could have gone in to the museum building too but that would have completely ruined my walk :)
Have now enjoyed a croc pot meal ( yup still delivering what I "tell" it to) and perfect when the kids friends decide they are hungry , since I always prepare for the whole street in that slow cooker:)
So bring on the Friday, candles are burning and heating system is working.
What else can I ask for?!
happy Friday !!!