No electrical devices weekend
An interesting weekend I must say with no cell phone nor iPad.
I watched a video that has been circulating on FB and it made me sad, scared and very touched.
Unfortunately I don't know how to link it here:(
How did we manage only a few years ago without being always available, always documenting everything or always within reach of internet and all it's possibilities?
i guess we did absolutely fine...
So I decided to stay away from it, I only read the news and kind of only answered the phone so I didn't manage to totally stay away from my phone but at least it was noticeable and very " cleansing" fir me.
Thats the reason also for not blogging.
I need to figure out how to imply that on my kids though...they would really really benefit from it although they are claiming they will loose all their friends.
That is sad!!!
Ok time to catch the evening whatever is left!
Har också sett den, man får sig en tankeställare. Men tror nog att om man tänker sig för och låter verkliga möten o kontakter komma först, så överväger nog fördelarna med att kunna kommunicera så enkelt. Bara man påminner sig om vad som är viktigt och vad som faktiskt är på riktigt!
Maria Lacik