Pepper house!
I guess everyone in Sweden has seen this advertisment for a house for sale since it's been mentioned in practically every social media.
But for those not living in Sweden it could be fun to know what kind of trick this particular real estate agent does to create interest...
Instead of doing the obligatory bowl of lemons she decided to slightly change direction and went from sour to sweet.
And a few more than would have fitted in a bowl...
More likely to fit in a bathtub...
Or in a washing machine.
Unless it's just a different way of cleaning them...:)
One of the reasons of choosing a pepper was also due to its soft and round shape.
And of course the bright colours...
Even the terrace got invaded by peppers:)
Although here it seems to be more sensible and we are back to only a bowl!
(More pictures can be seen on where these photos are picked from. )
So according to the news magazines this house broke the record in "klicks" but I guess the most important is of course that it will get sold!!!!
I am definately a pepper lover and I knew they could be used in different ways and this really confirm them being such a versatile vegetable!!!
Lovely! haha
Maria Lacik