Long weekend coming up!
Easter is approaching with big steps!
In this household we have kind of missed that though...
Apart from the fact that for us it marks the entry of the spring, we (I) have not made an effort in decorating the house at all.
A few feathers attached to willows in a vase and a drawer full of easter egg candy will do just fine as decoration:)
The candy is the most important if you would ask the kids...
To them Easter is the same as egg filled with candy.
Hmmm where did the meaning of the real Easter get lost?

We have four days of a long weekend coming up next which seems incredibly neccesary since we have had another four long days of hard and tiring work at school (after coming back from spring break) and definitely could need a rest 😜!
The weather has at least behaved and giving us clear signs of an approaching and much anticipated spring with sun, mild temperatures and all these vibes in the air that makes me a little more crazy than usual:)
Me like a lot!!!
This Easter weekend will hopefully be that start of the upcoming warmer season and Im sure it will happen either with or without a fully decorated house so I think I'm good:)
