On my kitchen shelves!
In my new kitchen I really wanted to have open shelves mixed in with top cabinets.
I loved the idea of having an open space to display beautiful things like plates, bowls and cups.
The messy person I am I completely forgot that I have a tendence to overdo things.
But I do it in a very subtle way so it is difficult to notice until the shelves sag...

The thing is I really like my blue and white cups and bowls.
I think they are beautiful to look at and perfect to drink from.
And we should surround us with nice things...
Therefor I wanted to display them on my shelves so I can enjoy them and also have easy access. ( I have a hotwater tap just below for my tea)

The problem is now that I started of with empty shelves thinking I will keep it simple and just display a few vases and urns but instead I have ended up with full shelves.
And suddenly there is nothing left of "keeping it simple"!
If I know myself right I'm probably not done yet either...
Everything I find beautiful just happens to find its way up to those shelves.
Im also thinking of adding some nice glasses, containers for small things and a jar with utensils too?!
Just to stir it up...
Why keep it simple?
I mean there are still space left!
In my case it is definitely towards "more is more" instead of "less is more".
And I love it!
Any objections to that?

Så otroligt fint!
Maria Lacik