A bag filled with joys
I passed Antrophology on my way doing an errand this morning and could not resist going in.
The displays of their items, the fun twist on an ordinary kitchen tool or just the colour combinations really attracts me and as result I left the shop with a little bag:)

Its like being at Ikea for a swede!
It is impossible to leave without anything, if only a packet of napkins...

What ended up in my bag was a complete bundle of joy!
Two bowls and a vase in blue and gold ( that matches my other blue and white I have in the kitchen), cooking measurement kit and dish towels in bright and happy colours.
The towel just gave the kitchen that little extra feeling...
The funny thing was that all of those things had my name written on them...
The rest of the day was spent with a beautiful friend, on the treadmill and in the car.
A highly normal Monday!
