Greeting from Sweden!
A jetlag tired but happy little greeting from my own piece of paradise!
I can not with word describe that enormous inner happiness which is filling my heart just being here!
It can only be experienced...
No musts, no demands, no time pressure...
It is totally fine living in your own rhythm.

Still a landscape in winter mode but with a slight hint of spring in the magical light that embraces the nature.
Pictures above taken the same time but depending on which way you are turning the light changes...

Who would guess that I'm standing in front of one of the big supermarkets in the town?!
Endless fields of greens and fertility and I can not stop admiring how much beauty the world is giving us.

Im not sure though my husband agrees with me regarding the beauty of a fertilised soil since his planned "golfputting" area in our garden, kind of got interrupted by one or two moles...LOL :)
Right now I'm enjoying the company of my wonderful parents and later tonight one of my sisters arrives.
This is going to be a gooood weekend!!!

Så härligt att komma hem lite och träffa familjen. Hur länge stannar du? Ser att våren visar sig lite mer söderut. Ha det så mysigt! Kram från oss
Maria Lacik