Monday "ice day"!
To the kids delight they closed the school again today due to heavy snowing that turned into heavy ice rain.
Its so weird this ice phenomena.
A thick layer of ice on absolutely everything which makes it a bit challenging being outside.
Bella suggested that maybe Elsa from Frozen have had a finger in the pie...
I loooove that thought:)
The world looks so glittery, shiny and sparkly but it is actually very dangerous out there.
It is slippery, sharp and unfriendly so happy to instead play board games inside our warm house :)

I must say that it really suits our garden to be dressed in this thick white coat.
It is kind of nice to change a look now and then even as a garden...

The ice was so heavy though all the branches were pushed down to the ground like they were carrying the whole worlds sins on their shoulders...
I feel for the buds though and hope they survive so they can continue to gild the nature at spring.

It was actually a very pleasant day at home today with wonderful quality time with my family.
I definitely say "yes please" to snow days or ice days if they are like today.
A very good start of the week!!!
