Moving in!
Finally the day arrived when the contractor gave in and let me move in a few things into the kitchen.
This week has passed without anything happened and the frustration level has probably reached its limit.
My sister and her two kids are coming tomorrow so I wanted at least to be able to cook to make life easier for us while she is here.
I think they felt sorry for me cause tomorrow they will hook up the electricity with the fan so I can use my stove without risking to have the fire brigad knocking on my door:))
They also told me that I can start to put things into drawers and cabinets and only leave space for all they need to come and fix.
Sure I said and rolled up my sleeves and began to work...

Actually I have no time to sit her and write.
Better go back to work:)
I have a long way in front of me...
But you know what?
I can really see the light in the tunnel now.
I said it before and I'm saying it now:
February is going to be a good month!

Hoppas ni kommer att få det riktigt mysigt med eller utan färdigt kök. Vet att sverigeresenärerna ser fram emot att träffa er
Maria Lacik