One of my last kitchen updates...
So finally the lights for inside and under the cabinets as well as the lights for the open shelves are installed!
Really about to finish now...
Only the lights for the vaulted ceiling left plus grouting of the remaining tiles.
Well forgot to mention that I also need to find the right golden colour for that vaulted ceiling too...

With the light on the shelves now the uneven shape of the tiles are very visible which creates a new dimension and depth to the walls.
And all my teapots have got the best spots with all spotlights only on them:))

Now I only have to empty the island ( just waiting for the paint to dry in the cabinets) and then I can start to decorate and make my kitchen a welcoming, inviting and inspirational place to be in.
This renovation has been like a loooong pregnancy but finally my much awaited kitchen was born!!!
And just because the kitchen looks so nice now we decided to do some more work in the house...

The bar and dining room are going to get a make over this time!
We are changing that depressive magnolia/vanilla colour that is covering the walls in those two rooms to grey walls with white trims.
It is already now such a big and positive difference so even the painters was wondering why this change has not been done earlier.
Suddenly the rooms are speaking to me in a more scandinavian way and that appeals to me of course, the Viking I am.
It is almost like the kitchen reached out to the dining room and now they are holding hands.
Best Thursday this week! 😜

Så otroligt fint! Ni har verkligen ett riktigt drömkök! <3
Maria Lacik
Kanske lite svårt att förstå att det äntligen börjar bli klart på ett ställe men det är bara att gå vidare till nästa. Det har kanske blivit ett behov att alltid ha någon renovering på gång. Nu är det en dag mindre kvar tills flyget landar
Maria Lacik