The power of paint!
I'm sick!!!
I don't see how that could happen...
Although I've been living in a "sick house" for a while I'm the mom and I should not be able to fall for those germs.
Normally I would get a hint of not feeling well but it is always just for a day or two but now I have fever, a thick head and runny nose.
Hopefully im feeling better already tomorrow because the Earth continues to spin and therefor I need to go with it to keep the balance in the house.
But despite me not feeling well small changes are still happening in the house...

Its unbeleviable how much power colours have and how it can change the whole look of a room or in this case a bar!
First of all I never expected to end up with a bar in the first place.
But this room is really meant for something towards that so when we bought it we were kind of happy with what we got.
When we then decided to paint the room in grey and got rid of the vanilla yellow tone ,the bar suddenly looked weird in there.
Instead of waisting money trying to find a new bar so why not use paint on the bar too?!
Thats what I call recycling and green thinking:)

Suddenly that piece of furniture became beautiful!
Suddenly all the details on it appeared and became more visible.
I love the idea of transforming something that looks ok to something that really looks stunning just by changing the colour.
Thats the power of paint!
