Doing dishes
One big difference in my life right now is the possibility to do my dishes in my frustrating-so-close-to-be-done kitchen!
Since a few days back I'm heading into that area with my dirty dishes instead of into my bathroom.
Such a luxury!!!
I know I might risk to be accused of child labor but the thing is that Bella and I suddenly really enjoy this everyday routine and who am I to take away all that fun for her...?
With a smile that would melt the snow outside I definitely think she is entitled to help out:)
I do the porcelain and she does the plastics!
By the way the plastics are from my wonderful neighbor who turned up with a chicken chilli, rice, homemade corn muffins and a loaf of banana bread.
A home cooked meal!
How awesome is that!?
Luckily the rest of my family is not on a challenge so they could enjoy EVERYTHING!
Their lucky ducks 😜!
I had the chicken and all her love in that gesture so I was actually fine too:)
While Bella was enjoying herself I could not stop myself from trying out how the kitchen would look like with things in it...
My conclusion is, with only (for now) the teacups resting on the countertop and the teapot on the shelf, it is going to look FABULOUS!!!
I really can't wait any longer!
Unfortunately something needed to be fixed with the stove so they postponed our "moving in" another week...
Then I took the opportunity to ask them to replace the white grouts with a light grey to make the beautiful tiles more visible. It got too white all together...and since we anyhow have to wait another week.
Well well!
We do have a warm house, electricity, indoor bathrooms and soft beds.
Not bad either...
en sådan underbar tekanna. Bara att titta på den gör ju att teet smakar helt perfekt. Du har verkligen en sällsynt förmåga att omge dig med sköna ting. Förstår det var ett nöje med att diska i köket men den lyckan förbyts snart med lyckan över att ha diskmaskin
Maria Lacik