A blossoming neighbourhood!
I just don't seem to be able to stop raving about the beauty of the spring!
The colours, the warm and optimistic sun and the smiles on every faces...
Since we don't have the wild nature in close proximity to where we live we have to be grateful of what is actually surrounding us.
And I can't complain...

It is like even the nature is smiling to the world!
Every house is dressed in their "ball gown" and are showing them from their absolute best side.
My walk around my "hood" gave me the feeling of being in a real life canvas where the happy artist wanted to create a celebration to spring and a thankyou to the world...

Our streets are very popular during weekends for people biking or walking and I can certainly understand why.
All the flowering trees passes on a feel-good feeling while deliver a wonderful scent and with the sun overlooking the scenery it just can't be other than good.
Just the way I want the weekend to be!
I love life!!!
