Gymnastic show!
Last weekend it was finally time for my youngest daughter's gymnastic show!
She has been preparing for month...
Made sure the leotard still was in the drawer.
Practised round offs everywhere and whenever there was room enough ( like supermarket, parking lot, or even my kitchen)
Asked like 15 millions time what day it was and how many days till THE day.
And eventually THE day came!!!

So focused, so excited and I could almost touch the state of mind she was in... The star mind:)
In this gymnastics they try on everything that belongs within the word gymnastic.
Its not at all as when I was a kid and the most advanced thing you did was jumping on the trampoline.
No this is hard core from the beginning.
High bars, balance beams, trampoline, rope, mat and everything else in between.
Kids love it!!!
They have absolutely no fear what so ever!

A mother's heart overflows with love watching the small individuals being so enthusiastics and it does not matter that what they do is crooked, wobbly or wrong.
All the glowing and smiling that surrounds them are telling us that this is FUN!
What a wonderful way of spending a Sunday!!!
