Mother's Day!
Today was the American Mother's Day!
It is such a big day here.
And it's difficult not to be affected...

First to wake up with a beautiful ,set to music, declaration of love from Max!
Then bombarded by drawings with hearts from Bella!

After that I was handed a rose at the bagel store!
How sweet was not that?!
I love roses!
The bud, the proud stem, the perfect flower and of course the scent.

To me a red rose is a symbol of love!
Not that I think the people in the bagel place loves me...
But still such a beautiful gesture and acknowledgment of the woman, mom, me:)
All the women got one and we all left that shop with a bag of bagel in one hand, a rose in the other and a big smile in our face.

At Olivia's game the other team handed out bouquets of flower to their moms when the game was over.
Also such an adorable gesture.
I decided to take the kids out for dinner but all the restaurants were fully booked and packed with moms in all ages being celebrated by their families.
We eventually ended up in a hamburger restaurant...
But even there I was greeted with "happy Mother's Day"!
Im starting to get the power of this day...

According to my oldest son he does not need days like this cause his love for me is equally distributed every day during the year and so is his show of gratitude...
Hmmmm I guess I have missed something here:)

Anyway I'm definitely up for celebrations and if the focus for once is on the mom I will be happy to volunteer next time:)
Tonight I will go to bed with a rose at my bedside table, a mind packed with gratitude and a heart overflowing of love!
Whoot whoot!
Hooray for being a mom!!!
