What a day!!!
What a day!!!
I spent a couple of hours at the doctor's office with the kids for checkup reasons.
Everything would have been smooth and friction free if one child did not suddenly decide to panick when the needle announced its entrance...
I think I have never seen such reaction.
Only read about it.
Not nice for any involved but especially not for the "victim" and absolutely not for the mom.
A moment where I realised that it is just not enough to only be a mom..
I wished for a magical wand that could turn the needle into love, the fear into excitement and the tears into pearls.
But no... Nothing happened:(

I can tell that we left that office without having succeed in becoming friends with that needle.
Only postponed till Thursday...
Any one having an idea of how to deal with this problem the best way I would be so happy to listen and learn...?!
The test needs to be done so it's either the skin test or bloodwork. Pest or cholera...
After a day that consumed all my positive energy it felt good coming home to my lilacs:)
Being embraced by that scent and all the wonderful memories those flowers bring back , I feel the power is slowly returning to my soul.

I can only hope it has the same positive and soothing effect on my child...
In the aftermath of the scent coming from the lilacs reality demands attention though.
Where is that manual I've been requesting for so long?
The one that tells me how to deal with different situations the best way.
I believe in hugs and love (although that is not enough) but I thinks it's better than nothing, a good start and a necessary ingredient in order to change a behaviour.
The rest I hope will follow...
Before Thursday!!!

Ja, syrener har nästan samma lyckorus som de första tulpanerna, så vackra och för tankarna till sommar.
Det är bara att bita ihop och tänka på att de flesta mammor upplever samma i deras ögon pinsamma ögonblick när barnet blir ett oregerbart odjur
Maria Lacik