Feng shui chaos
Today I'm showing you the small chaos I have created around me trying to finish a few feng shui projects.
So NOT feng shui to be honest.
First of all I'm sitting in the kitchen.
Not in a nicely and well balanced workspace.
Second I mix food, drinks and work paper in a terrible mess that would scare even the most easy going "feng shuist".
Clear the clutter is for everyone else but me.
Then im completely stressed out because of my lack of organisation, lack of knowledge and lack of time.
My own fault to 100 percent.
I have spread out over a years study all over the kitchen in which I'm hysterically turning the page back and forth trying to find the answers on all my questions.
Maybe when I get certified this unfeng shui way of dealing with things will stop and when I have the diploma my way of living will forever be in balance and harmony.
Who am I trying to fool?
At this very moment I'm heading in to the hospital for a sleep study.
When I find some time I will keep you posted.