A baby bird on our driveway.
We have fairies, deers, raccoons, butterflies and now a little baby bird in our garden.
And halleduniamig ( Swedish for OMG) how cute he was...
'He must have fallen down from the nest above in the tree and definitely seemed a bit lost...
And jeez how trouble minded I got seeing him helplessly trying to use his wings.

Suddenly I could not remember how to act when there is a baby animal involved apart from the "not touching" part...
'I did not want to ruin this little bird's future but I knew for sure that bird would not have a future to look forward to if I didn't do anything so rushed away to get something I could move it with.
I figured if I removed it from the driveway and away from that open area and in under a shrub or something it would not be as vulnerable while I looked up instructions for how to deal with an "unflyable" little baby bird.
But while I rushed in to the garage to try to find something I could use to help it, it managed to jump away ( !?).
Totally gone, not a sign of that bird anywhere.
Terrible feeling, not having been able to help out, but if anyone knows how to handle baby birds please advice me so I don't screw up again...
