Graduation one!
School is out!
One graduation done, check!
Olivia got a well deserved ending of her middleschool era and she finished like a winner!
Receiving an award for outstanding citizenship and positive contribution to the school community made my day and made probably up for her entire school year:)

My beautiful, ambitious, hyper, short tempered, warmhearted, hardworking, difficult, funny, bighearted and absolutely wonderful daughter graduated on a day when the sun shined its brightest, the sky was painted in a deep blue color and the temperature outside just softly embraced us.

Happy, relieved and excited she is ready to leave the middleschool culture and move on to the more adult and mature version of this school.
If someone is ready to take on this "challenge" though, it's her for sure.
For the last passed month everything has been about high school and everything that fits into that word.
Courses, studytechnics, what to wear, how to manage time and of the course the much awaitening new " freedom".

I think this last picture reflects what not only her but we all felt today.
An ending of a chapter and the beginning of a new blank page!
But first summer holiday!

Underbara bilder. Man känner sommarlovskänslan genom iPhonen😄. Vad fina de är 💕 Hoppas vi kan ses något här hemma i sommar. Kram
Maria Lacik
Jag visste det, du är bara bäst min älskade flickdrottning.
Maria Lacik