My midsummer guest.
The weekend is almost over and I'm two kids and a friend less.
So weird feeling when a lot of activities, noise and life changed into passivity, quietness and calmness.
Nothing wrong with that though, just different.
Im so happy though that these days have been filled with family, ( sisters you were missed the whole time), friendship and my very special midsummer guest.

My beautiful friend came from Geneva to spend the weekend with us and at the same time bring flavor to life.
Me and her are like Laurel and Hardy ( Helan och Halvan) or like two peas in a pod.
She is blonde ( not mentally 😜), I'm dark, she is small I'm big, she is short I'm tall.
But both of us have big hearts, big smiles and a lot of love that join us together.
She has that quality im striving to possess too.
A quality that makes other people feel they are wonderful and good persons and she really brings out the best in me.
We only meet once a year but we take off where we left over a cup of tea.
She has the gift of spreading wellbeing like she is sprinkling sugar on a cake.
I so love her!
So not only did I have most of my entire family here but also my soulmate and dear friend to brighten up this midsummer weekend.
I feel so lucky!!!
