Sweden, Ystad , summer
Believe it or not but suddenly I'm in Sweden!
Me and three kids.
Just like that.
We are here for the summer, for my family, for the simplicity, and for me:)

The house was just laying there, embraced by all the green, waiting for some tender, loving care, for a big clean out and for some noise and life filling the rooms.
It rained when we arrived but by the time we woke up from our beauty sleep the sun was out and the world was clean and ready to welcome us from its best side.

There are a few "musts" we always have to do when we arrive.
We just have to go down to beach to smell the sea, look out on the horizon and sit on the pier.
I need to see my parents ( of course), to preserve every moments with them.
And the kids always want Swedish pizza ,(served in a very primitive way because the wait for just that particular pizza in that moment seemed unbearable,) Swedish candy, cinnamon croissants, and ice cream.
Easy to fulfill and leaves everyone satisfied :)
i guess I can say the summerholiday has started for real:)
