Two monkeys in a tree
I feel so spoiled having another important and beautiful friend visiting me here in my summerparadise.
I had to laugh when I picked her up though...
We both had blue jeans, white jumpers and our hair braided, like we would have a mental agreement, like sisters:)
And what could be a better start than taking her for a walk along my usual route along the beach.
There we passed my photo tree.
Then we decided to climb my photo tree...

Luckily no one passed by so we did not have to explain why a nearly 50 year old woman was trying to behave like a monkey...
'And the branch on the ground was already there.
Just saying...

The good thing we managed in the end to look like we don't do anything else than climbing trees.
So natural and relaxed:)
Yup, I can definitely tell we are in for a good week!
