A sunny first day...
The first day of the year offered clear blue sky and mild temperature as if nature was trying to say "let's give 2017 a good start, shall we?! Enjoy!
And enjoying is what we all are doing during this break.
Either walking in the forest or just laying under a blanket with a book or in front of the tv.
Always with chocolate within reach...
One more day of holiday and then reality calls for attention.
I love the no-pressure, relaxed and do-whatever-I-want-at-whatever-time-I-want life the holiday offer but I'm also a huge fan of routines.
Maybe I need routines to really appreciate the time off-schedule?!
Or perhaps it's the reverse?!
Anyway, one more day on a lazy cloud and then I can't wait to start, proceed and experience a few promises and plans for this upcoming year.
The company of my beautiful daughter on mine and Elvis walk today made the day feel like it's been sprinkled with gold.
Could not have gotten a better start!
vilka små charmtroll
Maria Lacik