On my way to the capital of Sweden!
Have not been there for a few years so very much looking forward to a visit.
Just by looking at pictures of Stockholm makes my heart beat a little extra.
Maybe it's the well known, maybe it's all the memories or maybe it's because my sisters are living there...
Im definitely excited:)
I know a lot has happened since we moved out in the world the year of 2000 but hopefully it's not only to the bad.
We will for sure find out...
Meanwhile I'm dressing up in my positive thoughts, my open heart and I'm going to put on my euphemistic glasses because i don't want to be disappointed. Not now.
So a few days packed with sisterly visits and date times with hubby...
Yup, one can have it worse:)
Today I want to let my dog shine here in cyberspace.
I think I will never get used to the unconditional love that keeps on coming from him like there is no tomorrow.
But o'boy am i enjoying it?!
I am absorbing every hint of affection from that fury fluff ball.
(Photocredit Max)
So happy, so puppyish and so dirty:)
After having been in the forest he walks down in the basement and into the shower and waits for me to rinse off the dirt...
So cute.
His whole mind seems to be all about pleasing.
At the puppy school I learnt that it is all about treats...
Whatever it is I buy it because that four leg creature is spreading so much wellbeing and happiness ( and bad breath according to Bella) in our family and who can get enough of that?!
How on on earth did we manage before we had a dog?
Sunday, shopping and smiles
Sunday, shopping and smiles.
Yup, today was a day when the kids suddenly had grew out of everything and us parents just had to take a bite of that sour apple and head to the mall.
Two hours later three kids and one husband left the mall with a smile on their face and clothes in a bag.
Patient mom waiting outside the fitting room...
Happy daughter excited to finally have found something that fitted both top and bottom...
Patient dad grateful for everything Steve Jobs did accomplish and beyond...
Impatient sister forcing herself to find something she could buy.
Five minutes in to our car ride back home...
I guess in the end it was too much of an effort to visit the mall on a Sunday although they would never admit that.
But the smiles were back when they woke up again and it was totally enough payment for spending a Sunday afternoon in a mall:)
What don't we do for the kids?!
ikea again...
Ikea has teamed up with the British fashiondesigner Kit Neale and is presenting a collection inspired by the youth culture and all the chaos involved in those young years.
Four strong ( and crazy) print based collections are made for young people on the move.
( pictures ikea)
The collection features housewares, apparel and accessories and has both "the 60s pop art, 90s fashion and modern days music festival" as inspiration according to ikea.
I just can't get anything but happy looking at the bold standout prints.
Sometimes I wish I was young again:)
Hippy happy Friday!
Blue and white China and tulips...
Weirdly enough I had a tendency today to think spring.
Maybe it was something in the air, maybe the sun, or something whispered in the wind.
I had a box waiting for me outside the entrance door, filled with my blue and white China that I so love.
I had decided to add a few extra plates so more people can enjoy a meal on that blue dream:)
I have almost every item in this design.
From plates, bowls, and spice jars to teacups, pitcher and placemats. And probably everything else in between:)
So far I'm not tired of it.
I have not asked the rest of my family though...
So those plates and the tulips definitely also contributed to my spring feelings.
Blue and white China, tulips and thoughts about brighter times to come.
That was my Thursday.
Not too bad.
Pool updates...
Slowly slowly our pool is getting closer to an end.
The paving with stabilazing wall and the stairs down from the patio has been in focus now for quite a while.
It is still an on and off job due to the changes in weather but we can definitely see the light in the tunnel:)
It's not that I feel the urge to jump in but the blue sky today created a tiny little swirl in my swim nerve...
Some grass, plants and pots around the pool area, rattan sun beds, umbrellas, small tables and a dining area will make this outdoor area picture perfect:)
Some warmth and noisy kids too and you get a holiday feeling.
But, we are not there yet...
Its been a little windy lately...
Its been a little windy lately.
Both indoor and outdoor...
We changed and built a new fence last summer and tjoff, a little storm, and there is suddenly a "crack" in the perfect.
Made me think how easily we hurt each other in the human world too.
I mean this is just a fence and can easily be built up again.
It might not even show it was "wounded" once...
With people it's different.
Our fence can sometimes be tricky to mend.
Some will get scars that never completely disappears.
The good thing is that support, encouragement, comfort, compassion and kindness from other human beings can help build up a person that has a crack in their facade.
At least so the scars fade a little...
The power of kindness, empathy and love.
Is it not such a beautiful thing?!
We all need to be able to withstand when it's windy in our lives.
Storms calm down.
But without a safe foundation we might end up like our yardfence...
Be nice out there people! Hug each other a lot!
A visit to India...
This weekend offered Indian vibes.
Bella and I are members in a mom and daughter book club and it was our turn to host.
The book we have been reading was about a girl in India so of course it was given to serve a chicken tikka masala, mango lassi and naan bread.
Some henna tattoos, sarees and lots of colors were represented too:)
Many wise and interesting comments regarding the character and the different culture in the book were shared.
Again I get filled of amazement and pride listening to what the kids have to say from their "level". So full of insight, understanding and a healthy curiosity about other ways of living, thinking and being.
It is such a pity some people seem to loose those qualities growing up.
I could not think of a better way to spend a Sunday than a visit to "India"…
Long time ago...
I found this picture in my archive that instantly filled me with love and proudness.
To me my kids look like a beautiful bouquet of flowers...
It's unbelievable how much has happened in those years between then and now.
Bella was still being breastfed and the others were competing in being the best big brother-sister to their baby and did not run away far from the rest of the family.
As comparison my oldest is going back to college tomorrow, Olivia is out having dinners with friends, Max is at the movie theater tonight and going skiing tomorrow with friends. Bella is at gymnastics coming home late.
All of them doing their own things feeling comfortable knowing they still belong somewhere...
My kids.
Independent, confident, safe and extremely loved.
Golden moments
Nature and my mind speak the same language these days.
Mellow, a little bit fragile in its exposure and colorless.
Trying to squeeze the last out of the days with my oldest son before he is going back to college.
All these constant changes in life.
I actually think my middle name is "flexible"…
Mostly my son is up in his room by himself but now and then I make him walk with me and Elvis in the forest.
And when that happens we bond like crazy:)
Its like opening the tap for some water.
Words just pours out.
Wonderful, instructive, loving and just so intimate.
Those moments are gold worth to me.
Those moments with him are going straight into my heart, finds an empty spot and kind of settles softly while it's giving my heart the feeling of being dipped in gold ( chocolate would have been good enough as humble I am).
And before you know it he is gone again.
Changes, for better or worse.
Positive thinking helps...
Down memory lane...
When there is a storm going on in heart, soul and life it's nice to let your mind rest in memories filled with peace.
On our trip to the maya ruins during our Cancun holiday we stopped for lunch in Tulum at a restaurant on a paradise beach.
It focused on organic, sustainable and a "natural" experience and was really a treat for your soul.
Sunshine, food, laughs, beauty, warmth and togetherness.
Im so happy I have a memory bank bigger than Mount Everest.
I pick something that suits my mood and let my thoughts re-live those moments. Through my memories I can get strenght, courage, positive energy and a feeling of well being.
Just what is needed now...
A golden Friday...
Today I escaped the suburb and went with a friend to the countryside in the middle of nowhere.
Her mission was to fill bags with vegetables, root mixes and onions from the farm we visited and distribute them back in our town to other members in this community supported organic garden.
My role in this was only to keep her company and get a chance to let my soul rest a little in the peaceful environment.
A perfect start of the weekend with this down-to-earth experience that just gives you a different perspective on things, calms you down and refreshen your thoughts.
And to have the pleasure of sharing a day like this with a beautiful friend felt like the experience was sprinkled with gold.
Yup, a kind of a golden Friday:)
A winterworld in a box.
Place arts and craft thing in the hands of Bella and her friend and the success is given.
To paint, glue and build give so much stimulation and satisfaction and to do that with a friend definitely takes their experience even to another level.
I bought this winterland in a box for them and they immediately got to work to transform it the way the wanted.
Together, in peace and with a silent, implicit goal of how they wanted this world to be.
Two hungry artists later and a looong play with this self made winterworld made up for bad weather and was a welcoming break from iPads and tv hang.
I love the creativity that just explodes with either a purchased box of crafts or after a small hint of what can be done from what you find in nature.
Sometimes this kind of friendship in a box is such good value for your money:)
Jassa collection from IKEA
When I was showing a friend of mine the new collection soon to be launched from ikea and their team
-up with Piet Hein Eek (among a few others), I again felt so proud for the big Swedish company.
It is such a happy collection of rattan furniture, ceramics, lights, fabrics and baskets that it makes my heart dance.
( pictures from IKEA)
The rich patterned fabrics give such color splash it will serve as the sun a grey and rainy day.
This collection will be out for sale in march and I will be the first one entering the doors trying to get hold of some of those furnitures.
Maybe be I will see you there:)
My fluffy furball.
My beautiful, kind, friendly, fluffy and happy dog has now turned 6 month.
Way into his adolescence he is testing both my and his limits...
He loves the snow, he is running, jumping and kicking up the snow as it would be the last thing he would do.
Everyday he is delivering love, trust and happiness.
And I just stand here bowing, thankful for every minute he is fulfilling my life.
Im amazed of how a package of creme colored fur can create so many laughs, so much love and be so enriching.
Grateful again!!!
On the pool front nothing is new
On the pool front nothing new!
Its seems to be a very slow process also due to the shifting weather.
One day it's too cold, the other day it's too rainy and the next day it is then too wet on the ground and it needs to dry up.
For the moment it's the snow that's in the way for finishing up...
On the other hand the snow brings light, beauty and a wintery feeling which kind of switch off the immediate need of having a pool to splash around in.
The pool is at least in the right place though so that's all good:)
Patience is a virtue...
Friday family fun!
One day in Cancun we felt wild and crazy and actually left the sheltered hotel area:)
We decided to go explore some maya ruins and finish off with a swim in an underground river.
The bustrip was long so we had some time to watch the surrounding area.
What we saw was poverty but a lot of smiles.
We saw misery but heard about hope.
We saw current time and learnt about the history.
Who can resist old stones and pyramids when you actually are allow to touch, jump and climb them too?!
Everything to feel the heartbeat from the past...
And the maybe raised real heartbeat was taking care of in between the different historical "stations"…
Unfortunately the pictures from Olivias GoPro turned out weird and blurry so only showing the ones you can actually see something on but the experience was the more cool and amazing.
To walk, swim and crawl in life wests and helmets in crystal clear water amongst stalagmites and stalagtites was a pretty unique thing to share as a family.
So that was what a "typical" wild and crazy, fun and family friendly Friday could look like in Cancun:)
Loved every minute of it!
Now Friday in a slightly different world and position. home, horizontal in our sofa.
Up in the air...
Since Bella started gymnastics she has been dreaming of joining UCLA and their gymnastics team when she has reached the appropriate age.
While we were in Cancun they did not have gymnastic classes but they did have circus.
According to her the trapeze was the most fun.
According to her mom trapeze was the most scary...
Just watching her gave me both chills and a kick of adrenaline.
Hanging upside down in the air like that...
I can not do anything but admire her.
Always ready to try out new things.
My own beautiful and fearless little circus princess.
Im your biggest fan!
Im on Instagram!!!
Even though I've been in bed for two days now trying to cure a cold that completely knocked me out yesterday I did manage to start a very exciting first step in my "career"!
I started up an instagram account where I will briefly give advice, explain, reflect or comment on things within the Feng shui field through my personal perspective. ( just setting up an account was huge for me, just saying)
If you are curious and want to follow me on instagram you will find me @homesinharmony.
Another big thing is that I am introduced in the Swedish Feng shui association's news letter this month as one of the new members. Wo hoo!!
Speaking about the importance of balance...I do look extremely well balanced in my double pair of glasses, don't I?!
So it might be a small step for mankind in general (!) but definitely a big step for me personal.
And I need to start somewhere!
Remember to go check out @homesinharmony and maybe I will see you there!
A sunny first day...
The first day of the year offered clear blue sky and mild temperature as if nature was trying to say "let's give 2017 a good start, shall we?! Enjoy!
And enjoying is what we all are doing during this break.
Either walking in the forest or just laying under a blanket with a book or in front of the tv.
Always with chocolate within reach...
One more day of holiday and then reality calls for attention.
I love the no-pressure, relaxed and do-whatever-I-want-at-whatever-time-I-want life the holiday offer but I'm also a huge fan of routines.
Maybe I need routines to really appreciate the time off-schedule?!
Or perhaps it's the reverse?!
Anyway, one more day on a lazy cloud and then I can't wait to start, proceed and experience a few promises and plans for this upcoming year.
The company of my beautiful daughter on mine and Elvis walk today made the day feel like it's been sprinkled with gold.
Could not have gotten a better start!